Address: Mickiewicza 21, 38-500 Sanok (building A, room 113), Poland
Fax: +48 13 46 55 959
Ludmiła Komardin (Людмила Комардiн)
- cooperation with the eastern countries
- assistance for students and candidates from UA, BY, RU etc.
Information in Polish and Russian:
Phone: +48 13 46 55 978,
Email: lkomardin(a)
Karolina Korfanty
- cooperation with the western countries
- assistance for outgoing Erasmus+ students
Information in Polish, English and Slovak:
Phone: +48 13 46 55 975,
Email: kkorfanty(a)
Marcin Owsiak
- cooperation with the western countries
- assistance for incoming Erasmus+ students and staff
Information in Polish and English:
Phone: +48 13 46 55 975,
Email: international(a)
anti-spam protection: (a) = @
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